如何写加拿大签证邀请信(Letter of Invitation)

如何写加拿大签证邀请信(Letter of Invitation)









  • 全名;
  • 出生日期;
  • 联系方式(电话号码和电子邮件)与联系地址;
  • 申请人与邀请人的关系;
  • 申请人访问加拿大详情:包括目的、停留时间、停留地点、费用负担、计划离开加拿大的日期等。


  • 全名;
  • 出生日期;
  • 联系方式(电话号码和电子邮件)与在加拿大的详细地址;
  • 职称;
  • 提供身份证明复印件。


  • 邀请人的其他家庭成员详细信息,例如配偶和受抚养人的姓名和出生日期;
  • 家庭总人数,包括邀请人所担保的担保人;
  • 一份邀请人签署的书面承诺,承诺父母或祖父母在加拿大的整个逗留期间邀请人将提供经济支持;
  • 证明邀请人的收入符合最低家庭收入标准(LICO),即邀请人有足够的收入来支持家庭全部成员的生活,包括来访的父母或祖父母。




Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is(邀请人姓名), I was born on(邀请人出生日期), and I am from(邀请人居住地). I am a(邀请人居留身份——加拿大公民/永久居民/临时居民)and I live in(邀请人详细住址). My household has(邀请人总家庭人数)and I work(邀请人职位、公司名、公司地址), earning(邀请人月薪/年薪).

Through this letter, I am inviting(申请人姓名), born on(申请人出生日期)and currently living in(申请人国内居住地址)to Canada for a short stay. (申请人姓名)will be staying in(申请人在加拿大的临时居住地址——酒店地址或邀请人住址)from(申请人入境日期)until(申请人离境日期). The contact information of(申请人姓名)is(申请人电话号码和邮箱地址).(申请人姓名)currently works(申请人职位、公司名、公司地址), earning(申请人月薪/年薪)with which they will be able to afford the stay in Canada. (申请人姓名)is a genuine visitor who will not overstay his/her visa. his/her work obligations in China extend and(申请人姓名)is needed back to work as soon as they return from Canada.

Please see attached a certified copy of my passport/birth certificate/PR card and my bank report for the past 6 months.

Feel free to contact me should you have any further questions regarding myself or(申请人姓名).

I look forward to having(申请人姓名)visit me in Canada so we can spend time together and visit Canada.

Kind regards,


Invitation Letter
The Canadian Embassy
Immigration Section
Invitation Letter (Super Visa Application)

To Whom It May Concern,

We, (邀请人姓名、配偶姓名、受抚养子女姓名)are Permanent Residents of Canada, residing at(邀请人详细住址). We would like to invite parents’ name(邀请人父母姓名)to visit us in Canada for one year starting from(入境日期)to(离境日期).
(邀请人父亲姓名)’s personal details are as follows: Date of Birth(出生日期) Current Address in Home Country(在国内的住址) Telephone(电话号码) Email Address(电子邮箱)
(邀请人母亲姓名)’s personal details are as follows: Date of Birth(出生日期) Current Address in Home Country(在国内的住址) Telephone(电话号码) Email Address(电子邮箱)

The purpose of this visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During their visit, they will stay with us and we will take full responsibilities of their stay including, but not limited to, financial responsibilities, ticket fare from China to Canada and back, housing and food, medical insurance, and travel expense within Canada.

We will also guarantee that they will leave Canada before the expiration of their authorized stay. Please kindly grant them Super Visa.

Please do not hesitate to contact us via telephone or email if there are any further questions.

Best Regards,


CANADA VISA APPLICATION CENTER 7/F West Area, Grand Rock Plaza No.13 Xinzhong Xili, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027 China (PRC) 家
(日期) (邀请人姓名)

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter of invitation in support of the Application for a Temporary Resident Visa for my (亲属关系:例如uncle/aunt). I have known him/her since I was born in (邀请人出生地), China on (邀请人出生日期). He/she has remained a close and beloved member of our family ever since my family moved to Canada on (亲戚访问加拿大日期).

My (uncle/aunt 亲戚姓名)live at (国内住址). His/her home phone number is (联系方式).
Although we have remained close throughout the years, I have not seen my (uncle/aunt) since we left China in (最后一次见面年份). We would like to invite my (uncle/aunt) to Canada to visit my family during (访问时期:例如圣诞节、春节).

My wife and I will give FULL financial support for my uncle/aunt’ s travel to Canada, including the round-trip tickets, local transportation, food and board, insurance, recreation, and any others that may occur.

My uncle/aunt still have jobs in China and need to return to China at(回国日期).

We appreciate your attention to the application and look forward to the good news.



To Whom It May Concern:

Re: Application for visit visa: (父母姓名);(出生日期);(国籍)

I am writing to confirm I wish to invite (父母姓名) to visit me in Canada for (访问时长:几周或几个月) in order to attend my graduation ceremony(或者也可以改成其他理由,如短期旅游). I hope s/he will be able to come on (父母访问加拿大日期).

I have recently completed by course at (毕业学校名称) and have leave to remain until (邀请人在留资格到期日期).

I am able to accommodate him/her for the duration of his/her stay in Canada. Please find attached evidence of my accommodation / or I will find a hotel/bed and breakfast nearby. Evidence of my financial status is also attached (if you are going to pay for your guest’s living costs).

I have enclosed the following documents: (根据实际情况会有所不同)
• Copy of passport
• Certificate of student status
• Tenancy agreement/proof of hotel booking
• 6 months bank statements

Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your faithfully


Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Invitation Letter for (申请人姓名)’s Temporary Resident Visa Application

I am writing this letter to invite my mother, (申请人姓名), to visit me and my family in Canada.

I am currently employed as an (邀请人的职位) at (公司名称), and my husband, (丈夫的姓名), works at (公司名称).We have 1-year old child(宝宝姓名). As a family, we have been anticipating the opportunity to meet my mother, whom we have not seen for some time. We belive that her visit would not only strengthen our family bonds but also provide her with an enriching experience of Canadian culture and lifestyle.

We assure you that we have the financial means to support my mother during her stay in Canada.With more than (邀请人的银行余额) in savings in our bank accounts, as well as sufficient funds to cover any expenses our ability to ensure her comfort and well-being throughout her visit. Furthermore, my mother prossesses more than (申请人的存款金额) in her bank account in China and she hasshown her property ownership certificate, demonstrating her financial stability and ability to cover her travel expenses during her stay in Canada.

During her visit, my mother will be staying with us at our residence located at (邀请人的住址), and we will be responsible for her accommodation and care. We have also arranged for her to participate in various cultural and recreational activities to make her stay enjoyable and memorable.

Iwhould like to mention that my mother has good travel history in the past years. I assure you of her intention to abidde by all visa regulations and return to her home country upon the expiry of her authorized stay in Canada.

Thank you for considering my mother’s application. We eagerly await you positive response and the opportunity to welcome her to Canada.



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