2月28日,BC省省提名项目中的科技试点计划正式成为长期项目,即BC PNP Tech,IT及相关行业申请人吃下一颗定心丸了!该项目始于2017年5月,原计划推行2年,后由于表现优越延期至今。项目针对ICT行业(信息和通信技术)、工程师、平面设计等行业申请人友好,从2017年试运行至今已经有超过6000申请人通过此项目获得省提名。
- 每周抽分
- 分数低
- 优先审理
- 申请简单稳妥
- 无需劳动力市场影响评估(LMIA)
首先,科技试点计划的分数比BC省普通技术移民的分数低很多,普通的BCPNP申请人获邀分数目前为95分左右,而这一项目的申请人最低仅需80分,分数持续保持稳定。可参考最近一次2021年6月1日抽选情况,抽选分数最低80分,共68人获邀。其次,与BCPNP中的其他项目不同,科技项目有着明确固定的每周抽选。并且在BC官网上明确表明了这一项目享有“优先审理(Priority processing)”的待遇,80%的BCPNP申请处理的时间为2-3个月,而科技试点项目的申请处理时间通常会更短。
We prioritize applications in the 29 key technology occupations. Once your employee submits a complete application, their file will be assigned within one business day to a dedicated processing team.
Processing times for 80% of BC PNP applications is 2-3 months from receipt. BC PNP Tech applications are typically processed in shorter timeframes.
BC PNP Tech job offers
If your employee applies with a valid job offer under one of the 29 eligible occupations, their job offer must be for at least one year (365 days), and the job offer must have at least 120 days remaining at the time of application to the BC PNP.
NOC | 职务 | Job Title |
0131 | 电信运营经理 | Telecommunication carriers managers |
0213 | 计算机和信息系统经理 | Computer and information systems managers |
0512 | 经理-出版.电影.广播和表演艺术 | Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts |
2131 | 土木工程师 | Civil engineers |
2132 | 机械工程师 | Mechanical engineers |
2133 | 电气和电子工程师 | Electrical and electronics engineers |
2134 | 化学工程师 | Chemical engineers |
2147 | 计算机工程师(软件工程师和设计师除外) | Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) |
2171 | 信息系统分析师和顾问 | Information systems analysts and consultants |
2172 | 数据库分析师和数据管理员 | Database analysts and data administrators |
2173 | 软件工程师和设计师 | Software engineers and designers |
2174 | 计算机程序员和互动媒体开发 | Computer programmers and interactive media developers |
2175 | 网页设计师和开发人员 | Web designers and developers |
2221 | 生物技术员和技师 | Biological technologists and technicians |
2241 | 电子和电器工程技术员和技师 | Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians |
2242 | 电器服务技师(住家和商业设备) | Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment) |
2243 | 工业仪器技术员和机械师 | Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics |
2281 | 计算机网络技师 | Computer network technicians |
2282 | 用户支持技师 | User support technicians |
2283 | 信息系统测试技师 | Information systems testing technicians |
4163 | 商业拓展专员,市场研究员和咨询师 | Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants |
5121 | 作者和作家 | Authors and writers |
5122 | 编辑 | Editors |
5125 | 译员 | Translators, terminologists and interpreters |
5224 | 广播技师 | Broadcast technicians |
5225 | 录音,录像师 | Audio and video recording technicians |
5227 | 助理职务 – 动画,电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术 | Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts |
5226 | 其他技术性和相关职务 – 动画,电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术 | Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts |
5241 | 图形设计师和插画师 | Graphic designers and illustrators |
6221 | 技术销售专家 –贸易批发 | Technical sales specialists – wholesale trade |
顺景移民协助多位符合29类紧缺职业的移民加拿大申请人成功获得BC省省提名,这位客人今年4月以NOC 2281的职位递交省提名申请,短短一个月不到在5月5日即收获省提名获邀信。获邀速度之快在其他雇主担保项目中简直难以想象。